Çava logo in blue

Why “Çava”?

“Ça va?“, pronounced [sah - vah], in French means “How are you?“. A simple question but not always an easy answer. How often do we really know how we’re doing on the inside? Our bodies tell us we’re not well when we feel pain but most health conditions start developing days, months, and sometimes years prior. Although we have the capacity to detect most conditions at an early stage, global access to preventive healthcare remains expensive and mostly available at point-of-care. Our goal at Çava is to change this, and give people a chance to have an accurate reading of their health on a daily basis and over time.

A note from our founder.

For a big part of my adult life, I’ve watched too many loved ones suffer from chronic diseases and go through painful treatment protocols. Some survived while others didn't. To the question: “Could this have been avoided?” the answer was a yes in most cases, ONLY IF warning signs had been caught earlier.

Today, we have the technology to detect most health conditions, when reversing their course is still an easy fix. This technology needs to be built into our daily lives. I believe the future of healthcare lies in a personalized and data-driven preventive system, and I’m thrilled that Çava is helping to build its foundations today.

Jean-Baptiste Duprieu, Founder & CEO.

The team.

Jean-Baptiste Duprieu

Founder & CEO

Vince Sigismondo

Head of Product & Growth

Jaehoon Choe, PhD

Head of R&D & Data science

James Vanderpant

Head of Hardware Design & Engineering

Lina Colucci MD, PhD

Head of Medical Research

Sidney Primas

Lead Biosensor Engineer

Liam Bossi

Head of Operations


Çava's Artificial Intelligence